Crosstrap Technology

The CROSSTRAP was designed specifically to help prevent micro-tears in your muscles as well as aid in treating tendonitis. This patented product was engineered with runners, cyclists, athletes in mind, but has benefited people in all stages of activity. It is fabricated with one piece, and is specially designed to have a low profile with no additional or unnecessary parts. The Crosstrap is designed to create isolated pressure on your pain areas to avoid friction. It compresses forces and reduces tension, thereby reducing pain. It is small, yet comfortable and discreet - able to be worn under clothing while still performing its job.


Our Crossstraps can be used on the achilles, shin, patella/knee, IT band, and elbow to help with the various pains and injuries associated with physical activity or aging. Individuals suffering from pain may also benefit from wearing an MDUB Crosstrap during their sports or activities to reduce pain and help prevent additional injury. As mentioned above, an injury does not only affect professionals. If you live an active lifestyle or perform other tasks with consistent use and strain on your body, you should consider investing in your own Crosstrap.
See our White Pages for a more in-depth medical breakdown: